Aqualand Pet Center

P.O. BOX 557365
Miami , Florida  33255

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Aqualand Pet Center, Miami

Seahorses are fun and popular to raise because of their fascinating habits, beautiful appearance and ease of care. They are one of the most interesting and unique of all sea creatures.A seahorse is a small, odd-shaped fish that lives in the sea. It is named a seahorse because its head resembles the head of a tiny horse. Its long tail can curl around objects and is called "prehensile". The seahorse uses its tail to cling to rooted plants, floating vegetation and even pipe fish and other seahorses! It moves in an upright position swimming with its dorsal fin. The scientific name is "Hippocampus", which comes from the Greek words meaning "horse" and "sea monster". The seahorse is in the same family as the pipe fish. Several species live in tropical waters. Our specialty is the dwarf seahorse found off the southern tip of Florida (Hippocampus Zostrae). These dwarf seahorses have a maximum length of 1 to 1 1/2 inches.Seahorses reproduce in a unique way. The male of the species gives birth t


Pet Fish
